Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Answer is...

Mozart's Symphony#40 in G minor.
Conducted by Bernstein. 
This is one of my favorite symphonies.

Before I answer the question from the last post:
"How many songs are there in the clip?"
Let me share just a bit about the structure of symphonies.
Symphonies are just a form of music.

According to dictionary.com, a symphony is  "an elaborate instrumental composition in three or more movements,similar in form to a sonata but written for an orchestra and usually of far grander proportions and more varied elements."

There are usually 3 or 4 movements in a symphony.
Each movement is one complete piece of music.
As you probably already know, classical music is the old time "pop music" among the royal families in Europe hundreds of years ago.

OK. Now, answer for the question in the last post.

0:00 It began with the theme of the 1st movement of Mozart's Symphony #40.
0:10 The pianist started to sneak in the theme of 007.  It caught the violinist by surprise(he paused a bit).
0:13 The ever-faithful violinist tried hard to take the pianist back to the Mozart theme.
0:19 But the pianist was too excited about 007 theme, it over-powered the violin.
0:29 The violinist tried again to get the duel back on the right track(Mozart).
0:39 The pianist was too persistent.  The violinist totally forgot about Mozart. He started playing 007, too!
...This tug-of-war continued, until...
1:02 The violinist was totally confused.  He started playing the theme of the old movie: "Love Story".  (One of the main character had cancer, remember?)
My favorite part is when the pianist played 007 on the left hand, while playing Mozart on the right-at the same time!! 

1:13 Mr. Bond appears again.
1:21 Mozart struggled to take the stage.
1:22 The End.

Isn't this fun? 
Part of music training is to train the ear. This is a nice practice.
See if you could hear what I wrote above.
If not, don't stress about it. 
Just read my blog and follow my listening guide, it'll come to you over time.

Most important of all, enjoy it!